Pleasant View Baptist Church & Christian School
Pastor Charles L. Hunt (859)291-9664 Daniel Hunt, Principal
December 3, 2012
Dear Pastor,
This letter of recommendation for Bro. Chuck Pietrowski to the Gospel ministry of Jesus Christ as a missionary is sent with the joyful trust that God has prepared a laborer in the Gospel to plant a Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in England. Bro. Pietrowski served eleven years as a member of First Baptist Church of Independence where he was actively involved in the ministry of the Word. He taught Sunday School, filled in for his pastor when called upon, and preached at a once-a-month ministry to the homeless. God’s providence has brought Bro. Chuck into the membership of Pleasant View Baptist Church while maintaining a loving and proper relationship with his former church and pastor.
Bro. Pietrowski, while serving under my pastoral leadership at Pleasant View Baptist Church, has expressed a sincere desire and call to the ministry of the Gospel in the work of a missionary. On November 25, 2012, our church voted to ordain him to the Gospel ministry on January 5, 2013, with the intention of sending him and his godly wife Jennifer, along with their three young boys, to Harrogate, England, to preach the Gospel and establish a Baptist Church as God blesses.
Bro. Chuck has encouraged me as his pastor by assisting me in preaching, teaching as a substitute Sunday School teacher, and maintaining a nursing home ministry. He is faithful and demonstrates the character of Jesus Christ with a mature and wise manner in ordering his life under Christ. He diligently seeks to accomplish what he is persuaded are the goals and purposes of his Lord. The investment of your time, prayers, and interest in examining him and having him present his work to your church will, we trust and pray, be rewarded. He is worthy of your consideration of support both prayerfully and financially.
In Christian love,
Pastor Charles Hunt
Box 16047
Ludlow, Kentucky 41016